Although Im someone who tries to treat everyone equally regardless of their appearance and quirks, and although I’m someone who has had unattractive friends before, Ive realized, after reading this, that even if I dont show it on the outside, I tend to look at people a certain way at first simply because of the way they appear.The story is about a poor overweight high school guy that gets bullied and judged almost every single time he sees someone. This webtoon, while having a very exciting storyline, also manages to bring light to the difference in treatment people receive, just for looking a certain way… as I was reading it, I began to realize that, without even wanting to, a part of me had become like the bullies in the webtoon who picked on the unattractive kids.

Main Lookism Characters: Daniel PARKīoxer, High School Student, Hot-Headed, Teenager Bookmark to stay notified whenever a new chapter is released. But sometimes, the manga chapters get delayed. At night, however, Daniel’s dream life becomes a harsh reality when he returns to his original body. His new body makes him a social-media influencer, a trainee for an entertainment company, and a clothing model. He experiences discrimination and hates for his original body, kindness, and special treatment of others. As Daniel Park (Park Hyung Seok) lives with two bodies, he begins to see how much the world discriminates against people considered unattractive or different. His days are split between the two bodies: the handsome one for the daytime, and the original for the night. When one body is in use, the other falls asleep he can switch bodies by waking up the sleeping one. A few nights before he begins school, however, he receives a new body that is tall, muscular, and handsome.

Resolving to run away from his problems and start anew, he moves to Seoul and plans to attend a new high school. Bullied and harassed every day by a delinquent, he takes out his anger verbally on his mother and asks for a school transfer. Park Hyung Seok is an unpopular and bullied high-school student who is looked down on by his fellow student for his obesity.