Add a Key (Create New) and select JSON.Click on the newly created Account and navigate to Keys.Enter service account name (anything is just fine), select role project-> owner on step 2.Create new Credientials for a Service Account.

Go to Manage and on the menu left, choose Credientials.Search for Text To Speech in your Console.I'd recommend setting up a budget of $0 just in case. Register for a free account at (1 million wavenet characters per month are free, and 4 million free standard characters).In order for the bot to be able to access the google API, a valid service account key with access to the text-to-speech API must be available in the gcp.json file in the config folder. I don't take responsibility for whatever happens in your stream.Don't forget to set up a bad words filter or you might get banned if somebody wants to be funny.For me, this chrome add-on works just fine. The website went down, so you need to find a way to get your ChannelID.Create an Access Token with Custom Scope Token.Set the channel, where it should connect to ( all lowercase!).Create an OAuth Key and enter your Key (oauth:xxxxxx.).If you want the TTS to read out usernames (e.g.If Y, type the Channel Award its Title, e.g.Firstly, whether you want to bind it on a specific Channel Award.Run the Program and you'll have to fill out multiple things.Download the latest release and extract.You'll also need TwitchLib and 1 available on NuGet and you're good to go. You'll (maybe?) need to add System.Speech available on your System as Reference Updated on Download at Releases How to set up as developer? A TTS client for Twitch chat, integrated with GCP Text-to-speech (500 voices from 40+ languages).