In the Demo, Osana Najimi is present at the school. In the debug builds, there were no actual NPCs who function like proper rivals, so there was no way to win the game yet. However, not all of them will be based on a "dere" archetype. Each rival in the game is an anime archetype, inspired by popular concepts and stereotypes. A girl confessing to a boy underneath a cherry tree is a cliché in anime and will be drawn upon in the game. If the rival is not eliminated by the end of their week, they will confess their love to Senpai (or make him promise to never have a significant other, in the case of Senpai's sister) under the Confession Tree behind the school on Friday, and the player will get a Game Over. They're the most important people to eliminate, as they all have a crush on Senpai (with the exception of Hanako Yamada). Only Osana Najimi appears in the demo build of the game, but they have all been introduced in a video. In the full game, there will be ten rivals for the ten weeks of 202X Mode, with one rival appearing each week. Rivals are the main antagonists of Yandere Simulator. Yandere Simulator Rival Introduction Video